Friday, January 13, 2012


As I inhaled the fresh crisp air of a Paris summer night, I felt as if I was being cleansed. Standing on a cobble stone walk-way all the worries, fears, and stress of my life didn't seem to matter as i stood there with nothing to say.
Speechless... I was speechless.

I watched the world pass me by as if I didn't exist.
I was pure. I had done no harm. Nor did I have any regrets.
I bet this is what heaven felt like.
Here I can see, I can explore, I can dream, and i can feel. I can do things I never though were possible.

These days most peoples' dreams turn into fairy tales.
You meet your prince charming, He'll sweep you off your feet, you two will get married and you live happily ever after. The End.
Touching. But not original.
But my fairy tale is much different.
My fairy tale is my dream. It fits me as if it was made for me.

I'm still young, My imagination still flows through out my body. I view the world through two brown eyes that are still learning. Eye's that hunger for something new to look at.
Inspiration was the main reason i came here to Paris. I needed something different. I needed fate to slap me in the face and take me where i needed to go.
Here very moment i believe that it was fate for me to be in this very spot. Who knows why. But why do i need a reason? If I don't resist. Fate will take me down the path designed for me. Having to leave Paris leaves me with a sad heart. But the inspiration will carry with me and I'm blessed.

I couldn't of asked for a better opportunity.
Thank you <3

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Real Me

I've deceived most people into looking at me how i want, seeing me with a mask. But in reality.. the real me.. has a-whole-nother face. One that is not shown a lot of the time.

I'm not rich,
I'm not glamorous,
I don't always know what to say,
and I'm sure as hell not perfect.

If you really knew me, you'd know that i struggle with learning big time. Ever since i was 8 years old, it was all down hill from there. My brain is slower now and has really effected me and my daily life.

If you really knew me, you'd know that I definitely stand up for what I believe. And I can be very blunt. You'd know how much people can mean to me and how I would do anything in the world for them, I get very protective!

If you really knew me you'd know how much i hate liars and people who talk about me behind my back, if you have a problem with me or anyone i care about say it to my face and we will get it settled right then and there. You'd know that i have come to learn that i don't care what people think of me. I can't please everyone and if your not even worth my time I'm not going to give a second.

If you really knew me, you'd know I can be really sensitive. Especially when elderly (older) people yell at me. I feel like I've been put on blast and I've disappointed them. You'd know that i cry more then you think. And i hate crying, especially in public.

You'd know how truly scared i am of growing up, moving on, moving out, and moving forward. You'd know how much i just want to be the best person i can be. I've come to realize that god gave me a second chance at life for a reason. I have a purpose here in this life and I'm not going anywhere til I've accomplished all that. Life is so fragile and so short that I can't take it for granted.

If you really knew me you'd know that i'm still trying to figure out who i am and where i wanna go. But i'm not in a hurry.

Thursday, January 5, 2012



noun, plural -ous·ies for 4.
1. Jealous  resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.
2. Mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.
3. Vigilance in maintaining or guarding something.
4.a Jealous feeling, Disposition state, or mood.

Love Poem Medley by Rudy Francisco

Gonna be honest. I have never heard of Rudy Francisco until today in class. When we listened to him recite a poem it really caught my attention. I'm not exactly sure why. But its different. He thinks outside the box, emphasizes on what he means, he takes risks and he says whats on his mind. His work is beautiful. When i read his poems it makes me see and think in ways i didn't know existed. 
"I swear that when our lips touch I can taste the next sixty years of my life. And some days I want to swallow stacks of your pictures just so you can be a part of me for a little bit longer". 
Ah! how unreal are those two lines! It's inspiring the way he rearranges his words and makes me feel the way he is feeling for a girl no of us know. She is faceless. Nameless. I know absolutely nothing about her and he makes me want to be her! Every girl in the world longs to have a boy look at her the way Rudy does to this mysterious girl!

"I want you to bite my lip until I can no longer speak. And then suck my ex girlfriend’s name out of my mouth just to make sure she never comes up in our conversations."
POW-ER-FUL! He uses simple words to paint you a picture that is breath-taking! This poem is dripping with stunning imagery. I honestly can't think of a better way to say how phenomenal his work is.