Saturday, September 10, 2011

Im thinking about you..

I'm thinking about you.
I'm thinking about you like time thinks about t.i.c.k.i.n.g.
like fingers think about picking
like guests think about $tipping$

I'm thinking about you like earphones think about ears and ears think about music, and music thinks about lyrics and lyrics think about rhythms.

I'm thinking about you like birds think about flying. 
Like rich people think about dining.
and poor people think about dining. 

I'm thinking about you like peanut thinks about butter and butter thinks about jelly.
Like socks think about being smelly 
Like buddah thinks about his belly 

Im thinking about you like eyes think about eyelashes
like waves think about splashes 
like poses think about flashes 

I'm thinking about you like hearts think about beating 
And she thinks about meeting...Him. 

I'm thinking about how much i CANT stop thinking about you.


  1. Great job..
    "Like rich people think about dining.
    and poor people think about dining. "
    Love it, keep it coming your stuff is good.

  2. I second the last statement. stay sweet and listen to monsters of folk

  3. why don't you listen to some monsters of folk.

  4. I enjoyed "I'm thinking about you like earphones think about ears and ears think about music, and music thinks about lyrics and lyrics think about rhythms." Because it's true!

  5. I really liked the whole first stanza. Great job!

  6. Babe. this is quality stuff. Love the Part about BUDDAHHHHHHH he's my fav. Fantastic work.
