What is Death?
is it the end of someone?
Or the beginning of something amazing?
For most, Death occurs unexpectedly.
You close your eyes because it feels like a small dream.
Count to ten, expecting everything to go back to the way it was.
Open your eyes... Boom. Reality hits.
It isn't a Dream, Nor a joke.
But simply a wake-up call. A reminder.
To not take life for granted.
You honestly don't know what you have until its gone.
It's the way of life.
It's not easy.
It's quite tough actually.
But what do we have to compare it to?
Everyone has a past, a story that never wants to be told.
Why does everyone seem to wanna speed through life?
Stop and take a look, take a deep breath.
Take the time to do the small things.
Like say I love you.
You never know what kind of a day someone is having
Take the time to get to know someone.
Be a friend
And take life day by day
apreciate the little things
you never know who's gonna be gone tomorrow who was here today.
So.. what is death?
is it the end of something?
or the beginning of something surreal?
You. Tell. Me. <3